Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 5-God cares for us

I can see God cares for me by giving us food kyle

Day 5-God cares for us

God cares for us by givving me: life, water. food, planta, farms, animals, carfts to do, air conditioning, earth, heaven, house, technology, windows, us, Jesus, bracelets, electicity, unoverse, rocks, non-living things, school, chutches, family and friends, paper, boards, pens, pencils, zoos, hospitals,games.
I can help other people see God cares by inviting them to church, telling them about Jesus' love. telling them about heaven, telling them how you can trust God.
Sarah M.

Day 5-God cares for us

God cares for me by giving me strength. Giving me a family.
lily & Nikki

Day 5-God cares for us

I can see God cares for me everyday by... life food and water trees a house animals
a family air clothes shoes a heart by cailey

Day 5-God cares for us

I can see God cares for me by keeping me heathly and giving me my family.Sierra

I can see God cares for me by keeping my family heathly.Ben

Day 5-God cares for us

god cares for me giveing us food and wather oxgen and toy famliy pets earth reading the bible gavedy tv anna.

Day 5-God cares for us

I can see god cares for me by... me a home food water! Elizabeth me a home to live in and clothes to wear!! karlaaay
3...Giving me Jack!!! Elizabeth everybody hope and corage!!!! karlaaay me Karlaaaay!!!!! Elizabeth me lizzzzz/my best friend!!!!!! karly


Day 5-God cares for us

God cares for us by giving us food water oxygen and saftey and my family & friends & reading the Bible & going to Church. Dylan & shade

Day 5-God cares for us

Day 5-God cares for us

I can see God cares for me every day by my house.Jonah Daniel
Technology like computer DS and video games television.Daniel Jonah
Food.Jonah Daniel
Water.Daniel Jonah
Stores like Walmart.Jonaju Daniel san
God gave us the Universe.Daniel san Jonaju
He made electricity.Jonaju Daniel san
He made Daniel san and Jonaju. Daniel san Jonaju

Day 5-God cares for us

**i can see that god cares for me because he gave me a great family my great health and my friends and a roof over my head.

i can see that god cares for me because he gave me life strengh and a loving and kind family and friends.

i can see that god cares for me because he gave me my mommy sissy and my toys and friends.

i know that god loves me peace out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ****************************************

Day 5-God cares for us

i can see god cares for me every day by my family . marin

Day 5-God cares for us

I can see God cares for us by.... giving us water, family, food, friends, McDonalds, the Earth, education, popcorn, life, movies, stores, clothes, the internet, computers, air conditioning, games, Church, homes, Jesus, himself, heaven, forgiveness, animals, fun, electricity, shoes, the universe, light, sun, moon, playing outside, people, and money.

I can help other people see God cares by...telling them about Jesus, God, inviting them to Church, telling them about Moses and other important people in the Bible, show how much their family and friends mean to them.

CJ, fourth grade.

Day 5-God cares for us

I can see GOD cares for me by loveing us,giving us everything we need,we have friends and a family,giving us gravity,and giving us life and water and food,keeping us healthy,air,clothes,my body,everything we have. BY:MANDY AND KAYTLYN

I can help people know GOD cares for us by telling them to thank GOD everyday for everything we have. BY:KAYTLYN AND MANDY

Day 5-God cares for us

i can see God cares for me everyday by giving me.... a DS, and a loving family.


i can see God cares for me everyday by giving me.... friends and a mom and a dad and food and pets.


I can help other people see GOd cares by....praying for them and the church.

-Maia & Katie
I can see god cares for me everyday because he gave us life, food and water, and by friends. denise hi im bella. i can see god cares for me because he made the hole univers;-) im sooooooooooo happy im in the world;-) and god brought me my kittie cat mr.sweetie. and my old cat smokey skeet ( and by the way smokey skeet died) and me and my dad's pet fish who i think died?oh i can't forget that i found a ded liserd in my back yaerd and i barried it. and it wasa long time ago. bye see you next year propaley

Day 5-God cares for us

  1. God cares for me by food and water.
  2. God cares for me by love and freindship.
  3. God cares for me by air and selter.
  4. God cares for me by pets and earth.
  5. I can help other people see god by reading the bible to them .
  6. God cares for me by trees .
  7. God cares for making me.


Numbered List

Day 5-God cares for us

God cares for us by giving us food and game homes Robbie ya baby

Day 5-God cares for us

god cares about me by giving me family


god cares about me by giving me food,water,friends,and animals


Day 5-God cares for us

i can see god cares for me by making me
i can see god cares for me by making nature
,wodr,earth,my famuly,bibl school

Day 5-God cares for us

I can see GOD cares for us by giving us life,loving,gravity,earth,water,food,air,beleving in GOD.


Day 5-God cares for us

i can see god cares for me by giving me a family garrett

Day 5-God cares for us

God cares for us by giving us water.

By Joshua

I can see God cares for me everyday by giving me a loving and caring family and friends, and creating the earth for all to enjoy.

I can help other people see God cares by inviting them to church and telling them about Jesus and his sacrifices he made for us.

By Jamie

I can see God cares for me everyday by giving us water, and my family.

By Marie

Day 5-God cares for us

i can see that god cares for me by the love of my mom.
i can see that god cares for me by the plants and trees.
i can see that god cares for me by my freinds and family.

i can help other people learn how to care by teaching them about jesus.
i can help other people learn how to care by reading the bible to other people.
i can help other people learn how to care by telling them about the bible.
i can help other people learn how to care by helping people if there homeless.
by taylor 3 grade.

Day 5-God cares for us

I can see god cares by making the youneevears and the earth. by Reagan

Day 5-God cares for us

i can see God cares by giveing me hermit j.r.
i can see god cares by putting dinosaurs on the j.r.

Day 5-God cares for us

  1. god cares for all people in the world.
  2. god cares for my famly.
  3. god cares for kids.
  4. god cares for hurt kids.
  5. god cares for me.
  6. god cares for giveing homes.
  7. god cares for math.
  8. god cares for aerosmith.
  9. god cares for my dad and mom.
  10. god cares for god.
  11. god cares for us.
  12. god cares for nature.
  13. god cares for joshua.

Day 5-God cares for us

i can see god cares for me everyday by food water and life. i can help other people see god cares by pointing them out when i am around them, giving them a hug or kiss and giving them something special. by colby

Crocodile Dock Friends!

Crocodile Dock Friends!

Warm sunny days...

We thank God for our food...and fun!

Skeeter and Pastor Cindy and Ms. Tiffany!